D'OR24K Prestige

Total Votes: 6 / Interest: 244

D'or 24K

Non-surgical Lifting Syringe

$ 700.00


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When you want the benefits of a facelift without an expensive or invasive procedure, the Non-Surgical Lifting Syringe from D’OR 24K will banish wrinkles and puffiness, even around the eye. After applying the Non-Surgical Lifting Syringe, the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines disappear and your skin looks and feels softer, smoother, younger, and tighter. The results, which are instant,  depending on your skin type.

  • Tightens pores within 60 seconds of application
  • Visibly reduces bags and fine lines
  • Instant, on the go lifting and plumping
  • Designed for special occasions

Whether you want to use this product every day or just for special occasions, the results can be dramatic. As you feel the product begin to work, you will see sagging tissues and puffiness disappear. You’ll be amazed at how much just one drop can do.

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