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Life Insurance Protects the People in Your Life

When you buy life insurance, what you’re really buying is peace of mind. Peace of mind knowing that your spouse can continue to live in your current home or your children will be able to attend the college of their choice, or even peace of mind knowing you’ll be able to continue helping your favorite charity. With life insurance, the moments that matter most – big or small – are made sweeter because you know that if you weren’t there your loved ones could keep dreaming big.  

But life insurance is often misunderstood. Most people assume it costs much more than it does – some even estimate it to be more than six times the actual average cost! People also often believe that they don’t need life insurance if they’re young and healthy and that stay-at-home parents don’t need it. While you consider what options are right for you and your family, check out our top 7 life insurance myths and the truth behind them.  

With the right type of policy, you may even be able to use accumulated cash value in the account to finance a college education, fill in the gaps of your retirement income, purchase a home or pay other expenses. Visit our Learning Center toread more about the unexpected uses for life insurance

We offer three types of life insurance, term lifewhole life and universal life. Each serves as protection for your loved ones, but differs in price and coverage characteristics. No matter which type of coverage you choose, life insurance premiums are almost always lower when you’re younger and healthier, so don’t wait! 

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