Great Wildlife Photos

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I started my wildlife photography business in 1993, in Albuquerque, NM. At that time, my business name was Wildlife Pho-toes and my business logo was a wolf footprint. I started showing my photography in the New Mexico State Fair and New Mexico art shows. As sales increased, I expanded the number of shows. I eventually progressed to the Rio Grande Arts and Crafts Balloon Fiesta and Christmas shows and regional shows.


During this phase of my business, I was entering a photo contests. A number of my photographs have won awards. One photograph in particular, “Nature’s Ballet” has won a number of awards including Grand Prize for an international photography contest, first place in the Dogwood Arts Festival and many more ribbons and awards. Photo Contests are an excellent forum to judge the quality and relative merit of my photographs versus the photographs of other photographers.


In 2010 I made a business decision to change my business name to make it web searchable. Great Wildlife Photos was born! At the same time, I decided to move to Reno, Nevada. At this time, I started selling my photographs through outdoor and hunting and fishing shows. I exhibit (and donate) my photographs to organizations that support wildlife conservation and habitat recovery.


Producing great wildlife photographs requires some luck, but knowledge of animal behavior and biology and most of all time. As you look through my website, I hope that you appreciate my vocation and avocation and my ability to produce high quality photographs for your enjoyment.

38 Years Experience as a Biologist and Wildlife Photographer. I have been a professional fish and wildlife biologist since 1972. I have worked for a number of agencies. I have worked on everything from species surveys to habitat restoration. During this time, I have observed, studied and researched animals in a variety of ecosystems. From the time that I was 8 and was given a Brownie, I have had my camera with me. I have taken photos as part of my job as well as escape from the day-to-day pressures of office work.


I consider myself to be a wildlife portrait photographer. Unlike studio photographers who take portrait photographs, I cannot pose my clients. Most of the time, I have to rely on available light. I rely on a telephoto lens rather than portrait lens. I have to be patient. I have to disguise myself in blinds and use the same techniques that hunters use to “call” animals or to put them at ease. I use scents to allow me to approach or to allow me to “disappear.”


As animals approach, they tend to be nervous. So, I wait for the pose or the angle or the light that I would like to capture. There are times that I don’t photograph. I just want to observe this particular animal. For the biologist in me, the time spent with animals is like time standing still. It is a gift to be enjoyed and appreciated and doesn’t always need to be captured by my camera. I’ve seen animals fight, play and even make mistakes like rearing up and then falling over or tripping and falling. Sometimes their mistakes are so funny that it is hard not to laugh out loud!


Over the years, I have taken thousands of images. The web site has a small sampling of my work. I have on display the most requested animals. If you want to see animals that are currently not on this website, feel free to contact me.

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