Black Rock Mud Company

Total Votes: 959 / Interest: 13685
Black Rock Mud Company was founded in 2010 by two “mudders”: Shelly Egbert and Summer Powelson. For years, Shelly’s family has owned a special piece of property on the Black Rock Desert known as The Great Boiling Springs. As a favorite family destination to relax and to escape, they re-named it Camp David, Nevada, in honor of Shelly’s father, David.
During their many family outings to luxuriate in the mineral hot springs, Shelly was fascinated by the creamy and odorless mud that occasionally erupted from the mudpots. Family and friends raved about how good the mud made their skin feel. Intrigued, she enlisted the help of her friend Summer, and together they created a company committed to providing a therapeutic “Black Rock Experience” for others.
As a company that respects Mother Nature, we understand that our products are a sacred gift from the living earth and we take seriously our responsibility to also give back to the earth. Our mud is hand harvested and hand packaged in recyclable, biodegradable, and plantable packaging made only in the USA. We guarantee our product to be 100% natural, with no additives, fillers, or conditioners of any kind. In addition to packaging and product, Black Rock Mud Company not only supports, but employs eco-friendly practices. Our facility on the Black Rock Desert is fully sustainable using only “green” power from wind, solar, and geothermal sources.
We are committed to the environment, the preservation of the desert, and a deep seated desire to share our “Black Rock Experience” with you.
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Made In USA